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Accepted Solution

Answer:The equation of the line is;3y = 2x-8Step-by-step explanation:Firstly, we need the to get the slope of the given line To do this, we will write the equation of the line in the standard form the standard formis;y = mx + bwhere m is the slope and b is the y-intercept y -4 = 2/3(x-3)y -4 = 2x/3 - 2y = 2x/3 -2 + 4y = 2x/3 + 2with respect to the given equation, the slope of the line is 2/3Mathematically, when two lines are parallel, the slopes of the line are equal So now, we want to find the equation of the line that has a slope of 2/3 and passes through the point (1,-2)so;y = 2x/3 + bSo substitute the values of (1,-2)1 for x and -2 for y-2 = 2/3(1) + b-2 = 2/3 + bb = -2 - 2/3b = (-6-2)/3 = -8/3So the equation of that line is;y = 2/3x - 8/3Multiply through by 33y = 2x - 8