
Riley and Francesca both commute to work. Riley's commute on the train takes 12 minutes more than one half as many minutes as Francesca's commute by car. It takes Riley 36 minutes to get to work. Write an equation to determine how many minutes it takes Francesca to get to work.

Accepted Solution

Answer: [tex]\dfrac{x}{2}+12=36[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Given Β : Riley and Francesca both commute to work.Let x represents the time taken by Francesca to get to work.Then , the time taken by Riley to get to work by train= [tex]\dfrac{x}{2}+12[/tex]Also, it takes Riley 36 minutes to get to work. Then , the equation to determine how many minutes it takes Francesca to get to work is given by :-[tex]\dfrac{x}{2}+12=36[/tex]