
90 POINTS WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST! I need help only with part b, of the question:The director of a local ballet company needs to print the programs for the next performance. Janet’s Print Shop charges $0.25 per program plus a $35 set-up fee. The Printing Press charges $0.15 per program plus a $50 set-up fee.a. Which printing company offers the better deal if 200 programs are printed? Explain your reasoning.​b. Find the number of programs for which the total costs are the same. Explain how you determined the number of programs.

Accepted Solution

Answer:For this case we find the expression that represents the cost of each printing press.x: Be the variable that represents the number of programs to printSo:Cost 1: Janet’s Print ShopCost 2: The Printing PressIf we want to find the number of programs for which the costs are the same, then we equate both equations:Thus, for 150 programs the cost is the same.Answer:For 150 programs the cost is the same.Step-by-step explanation: